Section: New Results

Time Slot Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks

Participants : Pascale Minet, Ridha Soua, Erwan Livolant.

NP-completeness of the Time Slot Assignment problem

In data gathering applications, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) collect data from sensor nodes towards a sink in a multi-hop convergecast structure. Assigning equal channel access to each node may lead to congestion and inefficient use of the bandwidth. That is why we focus on traffic-aware solutions. More precisely, we investigate the Time Slot Assignment problem, where nodes are assigned time slots to transmit their data to the sink, while minimizing the total number of slots. We considered the generalized h-hop Time Slot Assignment problem for any positive integer h, where any two nodes that are less than or equal to h-hop away are not scheduled simultaneously. We proved its NP-completeness.

Multichannel Slot Assignment

The throughput requirement of data gathering applications is difficult to meet with a single wireless channel. Furthermore, the considered channel may be temporarily jammed. That is why, we focus on a multichannel time slot assignment that minimizes the data gathering cycle. We first formalize the problem as a linear program and compute the optimal time needed for a raw data convergecast in various multichannel topologies (linear, multi-line, tree). These optimal times apply to nodes equipped with one or several radio interfaces. This work generalizes the results established by Incel. We then propose our algorithm called MODESA and prove its optimality in various multichannel topologies. We evaluate its performances in terms of number of slots, maximum buffer size and number of active/sleep switches per node. Furthermore, we present variants of MODESA achieving a load balancing between the channels used.

Multisink Multichannel Slot Assignment

We generalize this work, taking into account the existence of several sinks. We focus on the data gathering problem with differentiated traffic, each addressed to a specific sink in multichannel WSNs. In order to find a collision-free optimized multichannel time slot assignment that minimizes the data gathering cycle, we propose a centralized traffic-aware algorithm called MUSIKA. We formulate the problem as a linear program and compute the optimal time needed for a raw data convergecast in various multichannel topologies (linear, multi-line, tree). More generally, we run simulations on various network topologies to evaluate the performance of MUSIKA in terms of cycle length, maximum buffer size and slot reuse ratio for different use cases: redundant functional processing chains, different application functionalities per sink.